Friday, February 4, 2011

My Hero

Well boys and girls, its been a while.  Life has been hectic!! Brief update, our invitations have been made!! We still have to make up the rsvp cards and they will be mailed out the end of February.  Thank you so much to RJ Printing for helping us print the invitations (and blessing us!), Sara Berkemeier for helping put them all together (she's got patience let me tell you!), and the Lovall Family for letting us use their table :)
Also a thanks to the Merriam Family for passing along some sweet paper for the rsvp cards and always being there!

Today I want to share a little about my heros.  Lately I feel like I've gotten a little off track, like I've been thrown off my groove.  I want to take this time to remind myself what's important and to share these awesome people with you :)

Hero 1: Jesus

Need I say more?  (If so, please talk to me :) )

Hero 2:  My Mom!! 
Most people say that one of their parents is there hero but my Mom really is mine. Now that  I've grown up a lot its hard for me to understand how she put up with me for so long and all of the sacrifices that she's made, and still makes.  She's the most caring person I've ever met and she will literally give someone everything they need.  She makes forgiveness look like an afternoon snack and is in the business of seeing the best in people.  I love my Mom.  She makes me want to care about other people more than I care about myself and one day I hope that I can be as good a mother as she is <3

Hero 3: Jude!  

This may seem like a no brainer, but I really respected and appreciated him even when we were just friends.  Hearing his story about how he came to the states and has been living on faith is really  inspiring.  If it wasn't enough that his life is like an adventure novel, he's a hard worker.  Right now he's working between 15-35 hrs a week and carrying a 19 credit hr load finishing his undergrad AND taking care of me.  Just that last part makes him a hero.  On top of that he's incredibly generous and he loves justice.  He's never afraid to speak up when someone is being wronged and really has a heart for people.
Best part: I'm marrying him :)

Hero 4:  Sara Berkemeier! 

Yes she's my best friend, but I really admire her.  She's the hardest worker I've ever known...ever.  I would chalk that up to being a farmer's daughter, but even since she left the farm she's been persevering.  She works non-stop, she's a student, and now she's leading a homeless ministry in downtown Rochester.  She's the real deal.  She loves people. Not just nice people, the unlovable kind.  She loves those that have been abandoned by friends and family and really have lost all of their hope.  (It must make loving me easy! jk jk)  She has the heart of Christ and while being a crazy nut, she is actively bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.

Hero 5: The Moravians 

They were a religious group out of Germany and Switzerland that started one of the greatest missionary movements to exist.  They did 100 years of prayer straight by using vigils and their fervor is unmatched.  When they traveled to remote locations to become missionaries they would pack their belongings in coffins because they knew that it wasn't just a vacation and they would be giving their life for the gospel.  One story tells of two men who sold themselves into slavery so that the slaves would hear the gospel.  Their motto was "to win for the lamb the rewards of His suffering."  I can't say that I have their same strong faith, but one day I will.  For more info on these awesome men and women just google it!


Hero 6: YOU!

If you're reading this, theres a good chance you've been there for me when I needed it.  Not only that, but reading this simply makes you awesome :)

One last thing before you hit that little x in the corner and close this window.  Jude and I are in the running to win a honeymoon. This would be a HUGE blessing to us because as college students our budget is extremely limited.  Please take a moment to click on the link below and vote for us :) make sure to sign in through facebook and pass it on!!!!

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