A few blog posts ago I wrote about my personal goal to get into a bikini for my honeymoon. I started last semester at 135lbs
I started this semester at 130lbs, and I now weigh..
125 lbs!
Now, this is not mission accomplished by any means of the phrase. Although my body composition may be deemed acceptable for a bikini, I would still feel incredibly uncomfortable in one.
Why? It has come to my attention that unless I looks like the women on the fitness channel, I probably won't be satisfied.
Red flag.
That's not healthy. Last week it came to my attention that maybe I wasn't going about this the right way. I mean I lost 10lbs since the engagement, that's amazing! But it doesn't feel amazing. So I came up with a list of encouraging differences I've noticed, such as dropping a whole pants size and seeing my hip bones again. But I became concerned about eating enough or eating enough of each food group. In the past (like way past, a good 6 years past) I had limited my eating to what I would consider a disorder. I looked good, but I wasn't healthy. It's funny because I can still hear my dad saying "she never eats!" That situation will not happen again!
I checked in my with my amazing nutritionist sister and she said I have a healthy diet (YES!!!) and perhaps I just need to cross train. I'm in the gym about 5 times a week including Taekwon-Do and I just started weights. I probably won't ever look like Jillian Michaels, but hey who cares (ok, I care).
I think there's a difference between the whole "you're beautiful just the way you are" and being the best you that you can be. I know that I'm beautiful just the way I am and Jude tells me that EVERYDAY because he's amazing (and its true :D ) I'm on a journey really to see what I can be.
Can you imagine that I went from being in the gym NEVER to being down there multiple times a week?
I remember I had shared with a friend that I had been trying to lose weight and his response was, "I don't know why you girls always do this to yourselves. Just buy a bigger dress!"
The dress already fits. It made me think, what's this all about anyway?
Well, I said all that to say that maybe I should change my goal. My new goal is not "let's get skinny." It's more like "let's be the best me I can be." That means being healthy first. Everything else will fall into place!! It doesn't mean I'm going back to junk food or getting out of the gym, its just a different way of thinking and it makes all the difference.
34 more days :)